Commemorative Tree Planting Program

An ongoing Civic Beautification tree planting project for the San Diego area

Co-Chairs: Penelope West and Kathy McKee

Planting trees to remember or honor someone, creates a living tribute to them - a legacy that lives on in the beauty of trees. Our mission is to use commemorative donations to plant trees on public land in San Diego that will provide needed year-round shade, beautify neighborhoods, provide habitat for wildlife and benefit the neighborhood in which people live.

Our true cost of planting a tree is typically about $350 because the trees we plant have to be large - 15 gallon or 24” box, and we must factor in the cost of delivery, irrigation and labor. However, we ask for donations of just $75 and pool the funds. No tree is planted for any one person and no plaque is placed on any specific tree, but donors will be invited to attend our spring Dedication Ceremony where we pay tribute to the people for whom trees were purchased. Invitations will include honored recipients and family members of recipients who are being commemorated.

The best times for planting are typically fall and spring; and City approval is required due to possible underground lines for utilities and such like. Recently we have partnered with the San Diego Parks Foundation and contribute trees to the community parks that they are upgrading. We work with professional arborists in selecting trees suitable for the location. The labor involved may be carried out by the City or a nursery or a landscape company.

To ensure that trees thrive, a plan for irrigation must be established prior to planting a tree. In some areas community volunteers agree to water the trees until they are established (about three years); in community parks the City is responsible for irrigation and maintenance; some local councils may also arrange a contract with a landscaper for weekly watering of their local street trees.

It takes many years for a tree to mature. The beautiful mature trees, whose shade and beauty we enjoy today, were planted as young trees by an earlier generation. By donating to this project now, we pass that gift forward to be enjoyed by future generations and ensure a legacy for those we wish to commemorate.

If you would like to plant a tree in memory or in honor of someone, or to beautify and “green” San Diego, please click the link below to access the donation form. We are a 501c3 organization, and all donations to this program are fully tax deductible.

Tree Donation Form
(ONline donating is not yet available)