A Note from our Co-Presidents:
Marilyn Dronenburg and Maureen McMahon

February is the month of hearts and flowers and romantic love.  But it is also a time when we think about love of country because of the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln.  As your co-presidents we are proud that the VGCLJ is so patriotic!

Our Club remembers and encourages our hospitalized veterans with special floral arrangements several times a year (Bouquet of Thanks).  And we make a big effort to not forget those who have bravely served our country and now lie buried in cemeteries across the land. Seeing row upon row of headstones adorned with evergreen wreaths at Ft. Rosecrans or Miramar cemeteries is a not-to-be-missed sight that will tug at your heartstrings (Wreaths Across America).  At the Mt. Soledad Cross we planted a rose garden which beautifies that hallowed veterans memorial.

The Club also puts its patriotism and love of the land into action by our commitment to beautifying other civic outdoor spaces with our Commemorative Tree Planting Program.  Many San Diego parks have become much more inviting because of the shade trees we funded with donations from members and friends wishing to remember or honor someone special with a lasting, living tribute in the form of a beautiful tree.

And by merely collecting our extra change at meetings, the Penny Pines Project has donated countless trees over the years to reforest burned out areas in California.  

This effort is more urgent than ever.  Our hearts go out to our fellow Californians who have lost homes and all the green beauty surrounding them in the recent, devastating wildfires.  As gardeners we know what a balm to the soul a lovely green growing space can be. That is why we helped create the Healing Garden at the Moores Cancer Center. Now our neighbors to the north will face their loss without such a solace. We ache for them and must do our parts individually to reach out and help.

We are still in the early months of 2025. A wise man once said, “What the new year brings to you depends a great deal on what you bring to the new year.” Let’s continue to bring our enthusiasm, creativity, and joy in working together to our Garden Club meetings, field trips, workshops, and civic projects!


Marilyn and Maureen (aka M & M)