Wreaths Across America — The Village Garden Club of La Jolla

Wreaths Across America

Chair: Kate Engler

Our 50th Anniversary Closeout Goal is 50% of Members Sponsoring a Wreath! (50% of 314 Members = 157 Members Just One Wreath Purchased by 157 Members Would Bring $785 to the Club!)

Each December on National Wreaths Across America Day, the mission to Remember, Honor, and Teach is carried out by coordinating wreath laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as at more than 2,500 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea, and abroad.

This all-volunteer effort includes truck drivers who haul the wreaths to the National Cemeteries, volunteers who place the wreaths, andsponsors like our membership who donate both financial support and the wreaths. This year the wreaths will be placed on Saturday,December 14.

For each wreath sponsored through our club, we receive $5.00 for supporting their efforts in obtaining the donations. This year the deadline for sponsoring is November 29.

Please join us and a grateful nation in saying “thank you” to our veterans. Your friends and associates can also sponsor wreaths through our club. We now have three options: online, mail, and by phone. Spread the word! Look for details in our fall issues of the Spindrifter, eblasts, and at the meetings.

Currently you can select from:

• Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery

• Miramar National Cemetery

• Greenwood Memorial Park

• Arlington National Cemetery

• Many other national cemeteries

This is a win/win for deserving veterans and our club. Funds raised help support our various programs. For additional questions regarding cemeteries, placement at a specific gravesite, or any other topic please contact Kate Engler