As we reflect on our joint presidency over the two-year span from 2021-2023, our recollections are all
about transitions. We began in the Fall of 2021 aiming to jump-start the club out of the hibernation that
was forced on us by the pandemic. We were thrilled to make the transition from online Zoom meetings
to live meetings albeit separated from one another by the required six feet and wearing masks. Initially
the meetings were a little austere as were could not enjoy refreshments and beverages and the
wonderful social hours our club loves. While fewer members than usual attended in person, we were
able to capitalize on the technology of Beth Israel to broadcast our programs on our own YouTube
channel. This was particularly meaningful to our members who were uncomfortable attending in person
or were living out of town.
Jean Collins and Kim Devoe entertained and educated the club with outstanding monthly programs that
hit all of the highlights of floral artistry, landscaping, conservation, historical gardens, and gardening for
personal pleasure. Jeanne Smith and Elaine Butz coordinated wonderful workshops that allowed
individual members to learn new skills using floral materials—often with a holiday theme.
Some of our annual events—Meet the Masters and the Members Garden Tour—could not be scheduled
as the guidelines for meetings still fluctuated as the county guidelines related to COVID levels changed.
Janet Evans and her committee modified Expressions in Art and Flowers for us by selecting several
members to interpret beautiful art works from members in a format that could be easily transmitted by
YouTube. By the second year, Janet and her committee were able to return to the original format in the
social hall—a sign of our progress in reblooming. We were finally able to hold luncheons again and
Diana Lombrozo and Mary Ann Driscoll created a spring garden in the social hall as we enjoyed a lovely
May Luncheon. Margaret Dudas and Ann Hill spearheaded the December Luncheon with traditional
holiday décor and a buffet luncheon. Last but not least, Maureen McMahon and Marilyn Dronenburg
set the bar at a very high level when they brought back a never to be forgotten Members Garden Tour in
Rancho Santa Fe in the second year.
Some of our monthly meeting activities were also curtailed by pandemic guidelines. Our Marketplace
returned after a year-long hiatus with Susan Oliver and Leah Higgins bringing in wonderful vendors. Our
Holiday Pantry was initially held outdoors with Betsy Mitchell and Linda Morse and our members
braving the weather, but returned indoors in full force the following year with Linda Morse and Wendy
Nash pushing us to bring in our best examples of holiday cheer. Gradually the other committee tables
reappeared thanks to Clara Blenis (Gardeners’ Exchange Table), Sheryl Lester (Horticulture) and Karen
White, B. J. Boland, and Heather Hazen (Master Gardeners). We especially welcomed the return of the
Master Gardeners contributions to the newsletter and the very popular garden tool sharpening event.
Our Field Trips returned thanks to individual members volunteering to organize special events. Susan
Starr coordinated a field trip to the San Diego Botanical Garden; Penelope West took us to a local
mushroom farm.
The club did a stellar job of maintaining all our civic projects despite the challenges of the pandemic.
Penny Pines and Wreaths Across America were successful in collecting funds to support these important
activities. Debi Nichols coordinated the Moores Cancer Center Garden. The Bouquet of Thanks
committee honored the Veterans at the local medical center with our traditional pumpkins, poinsettias,
tillandsias, and Memorial Day arrangements. The Commemorative Tree Planting committee actively
managed their donations to local parks and new landscaping projects. Their reception for donors and
honorees returned our second year at Wisteria Cottage. In keeping with our “new shoots” theme, Susan
Vandendriess coordinated a project to plant roses at Mount Soledad Memorial Park. Leigh Hartman,
Mary Lippman, Annette Gomez, and Susan Vandendriesse coordinated the various components of the
Schoolyard Gardening Grants committee to support local school gardening programs.
In any club, there are behind-the-scenes members who keep the enterprise functioning. Mercedes
Bartolomei Penner and Kate Engler created the beautiful yearbooks that guide members through the
year and Donna Koziol assisted with collecting photos of our new members. Susan DiMaggio and Alida
Bracker coordinated the set-up and take-down of the social hall. Paula McGraime and Donna Queen
coordinated refreshments. Louise Hill and Ann Hill coordinated the beautiful flower arrangements for
the refreshments table. Marge Palmer and Dianne Holmes photographed most of our events and
published their photos online. Sara Carpenter served as our webmaster and our jill-of-all-trades related
to technology. Susan Starr and Mary Lippmann took over as editors of the newsletter in the second
year. Alice Harmon continued to provide beautiful graphic design services to the club.
Gaynor Pates and May Bull took on the task for welcoming several classes of new members who entered
during the pandemic year. Together, they mentored those members and created social gatherings to
make them feel welcome and encourage their participation in the club.
On our amazing Executive Committee, Jean Thomas, Susan Starr, and Linda Shaw recorded the ‘ multiple
activities in the minutes. Leslie Dupree wrote notes and letters to our members. Cindy Lococo kept
track of our finances and advised the club on staying afloat. Sandy McCreight and Suzanne Ward served
as parliamentarians and advised the club on its By-Laws and Standing Rules. Pam Palisoul and Sheryl
Lester coordinated the important work of the annual membership process. Throughout the two years,
Devonna Hall, Susan Miller, Sue Kalish, and Sheryl Lester served as advisors to the Committee. In
addition, Gaynor Pates was always available to answer our questions and give suggestions.
It is a monumental responsibility to assume the leadership of a club such as ours that has a long history
and many traditions. We feel it was a privilege to service and guide the club through this difficult time as
its co-presidents.
Roz Bradley and Susan Harris